The Calaveras County Behavioral Health Board was established by order of the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors in 1993, pursuant to the Welfare & Institutions Code 5604, also known as the Bronzan-McCorquodale Act, Stats. 1992, c. 1374 (A.B. 14). The primary purpose of the Board is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors and the Health and Human Services Agency Behavioral Health division. Commissioners are appointed by County Board of Supervisors members for a three-year term. Membership includes consumers of mental health services, family members, an at-large representative on the Board of up to 12 members, and a representative from the Board of Supervisors.
The role and function of the Behavioral Health Board is to review and evaluate the community’s mental health and substance use needs, services, facilities and unique problems; review county agreements entered into pursuant to Section 5650; that are significant with respect to services provided to the consumer community; advise the Board of Supervisors and the local Mental Health Director/Deputy Director of Health and Human Services Agency as to any aspect of the local mental health and substance use programs; review and approve procedures used to ensure citizen and professional involvement at all stages of the planning process; submit an annual report to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on the needs and performance of the county’s mental health and substance use systems; make recommendations regarding the appointment of a local Director of Mental Health Services; review and comment on the county’s performance outcome data and communicate its findings to the California Mental Health Planning Council; and review and make recommendations concerning applicants for the Board prior to approval by the Board of Supervisors.